Refund Policy

  • Article Processing Charges (APCs):

    • Many journals, especially open-access ones, charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) to cover publication costs. If the journal follows this model, the refund policy would address circumstances under which authors can request a refund of these charges.
    • Refunds may only be issued if a manuscript is withdrawn or rejected before the article processing begins, such as during the submission or initial review stages.
  • Refund Eligibility:

    • Refunds are generally not issued after the peer review process begins or after the manuscript has been accepted for publication. This is because the journal has already invested resources in reviewing and editing the manuscript.
    • In cases where there is an error or fault by the journal (e.g., administrative mistakes), a refund or fee waiver may be considered.
  • Partial Refunds:

    • In some cases, the journal may offer partial refunds if a manuscript is withdrawn or rejected during certain stages of the publication process, but the work on the manuscript (such as administrative or initial review work) has already been carried out.
  • Exceptions:

    • Refunds might be provided in cases of fraud or serious ethical violations. If the journal determines that an author or co-author has violated the ethical standards, the fee could be refunded.
    • Refunds may also be considered if there is an exceptional issue that prevents the journal from publishing the article as agreed, though this would be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • Request Procedure:

    • Authors must submit a formal request for a refund, explaining the reason for the withdrawal or cancellation. This request is usually sent to the editorial office or finance team.
    • The refund request should be made within a reasonable timeframe from the date of payment, and the journal may require documentation or clarification regarding the withdrawal or rejection reasons.
  • Non-Refundable Fees:

    • Once an article is published (online or in print), the APC and any associated publication fees are typically non-refundable due to the completion of the editorial and publishing processes.