Peer Review Policy

  • Double-Blind Peer Review: The journal may follow a double-blind peer review process where both the authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other. This helps ensure impartial and unbiased reviews.

  • Review Process:

    • After submission, articles are initially reviewed by the editorial team to assess their suitability for the journal.
    • If deemed suitable, the article is sent to two or more independent expert reviewers in the field who provide feedback on the quality, validity, and significance of the research.
    • Reviewers assess the manuscript for scientific accuracy, clarity, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope.
  • Reviewer Selection: Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the relevant subject area. The journal may invite experts with a proven record of publications and research in health sciences to review manuscripts.

  • Review Criteria: The peer review typically considers:

    • Originality and contribution to the field
    • Methodology and scientific rigor
    • Clarity of writing and structure
    • Relevance of findings to the journal’s scope
    • Ethical considerations and compliance with research standards
  • Decision Types: Based on the feedback from reviewers, the editorial board will make one of the following decisions:

    • Accept: The article is accepted for publication, either as is or with minor revisions.
    • Revise and Resubmit: The article requires major revisions based on reviewer comments, and the author must resubmit the revised manuscript for further review.
    • Reject: The article is rejected if it is not deemed suitable for publication or if major issues remain unresolved after revisions.
  • Transparency and Fairness: The journal strives to ensure that the peer review process is transparent and fair. Any conflicts of interest between authors and reviewers are disclosed and managed.

  • Reviewer Acknowledgment: In some cases, the journal may acknowledge the contribution of peer reviewers, either by listing their names in the published article or through formal recognition in the journal’s editorial materials.

  • Publication Ethics: The peer review process is guided by ethical standards, including confidentiality, no plagiarism, and honest and constructive feedback. Any suspected misconduct is investigated, and the journal adheres to guidelines provided by organizations like COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).